Solo Activity

Solo Activity

Let’s take a look at this video below - it’s a short clip!! 


It’s time for an honesty check with yourself. 

  • What were some assumptions you had at the start of the video?
  • What did you think was going to unfold with all the different storylines with black actors? 
  • What did the ending make you feel? 

Now think back to the past month. Was there an occasion when your default settings, your gut instincts, your unconscious stereotypes led you down the wrong path? Maybe it wasn’t wrong, it may just have been short-sighted? 

As we walk through the world, we have to dig deep to fully understand what’s happening around us and with people in our life. The diversity iceberg is a way to understand that there are things we see and don’t see about others. 

If we just go on what is above the waterline, we miss all the rich, complex, identities that are below the waterline. Curiosity reminds us to stay engaged with the tip and the bottom. Ever heard the term “don’t judge a book by its cover?” Think about all the covers you may have judged because of a lack of curiosity about what was actually inside. 

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